Saturday, May 18, 2013



fuhhhhh. fuhhhhh. *achummmm* berhabuk dah belog aku. hehe. sekarang i'm so free jadi boleh menaip sejengkal dua. okeyh guys, too much things happened in my life. just for this past months, aku telah membuat banyak come-back dalam kehidupan aku sehari-harian.

INDUSTRIAL PLACEMENT a.k.a praktikum @ Utama Optometris Teluk Intan

benda ini berlaku semasa bulan februari, dalam cuti semester yang tak berapa nak cuti. seperti semua sedia maklum, aku merupakan cleaner terhormat sepanjang sesi praktikum aku. heheh. bila bosan, bergosip dgn puan linda & puan qaseh yg berbadan dua! #wedding #jodoh #guys menjadi topik kami seharian. hehehe. and let me tell u somthing. me already met someone special! =) 
di sebalik cerita kenapa aku terbuka hati nak kenal 'dia'. sebelum ni aku pasang niat nak carik suami orang jauh2. aku boring dari zaman skolah aku asyik dok t.intan je. tapi lately bila my inche twoyou dah keja n tunang, plus aku pikir kakak aku punya bf pon orang jauh. membuat aku sedar, aku rasa aku kena menetap dekat dengan tanah tumpahnya darahku. coz me need to take care of my mom! disebabkan faktor future job aq yang agak flexible utk aku plih tmpt kerja (if aku tak masuk gomen). jadi sepanjang aku praktikum tu dah terniat utk cari kerja dkt2 teluk intan jugak lepas grad nanti. insyaallah. at least sampai adiks2 aku ber3 yang kecik comelote tu dh habis sekolah mengah. erkk menengah maksud aku. so that 'things' happened after i talk with my friend about me wanted to stay at my hometown. it made me think, is it really him that meant to be with me? and out of all things, he's the same age with inche twoyou and plus, same BIRTHDAY! i thought it's too much suratan or kebetulan that made me wanted to know him first, at least. 
p/s: dear all, pleaseee pray for US. thanx =D

MOSSE a.k.a Malaysan Optometry Students Sports Event

this is me!

that face of me. there's too much people outside there that afraid of it. i could not help to change it. itu semacam habitat. errr habit aku bila kepala dilanggar todak! hehehe. how i wished i could smile. i could eat like nothing's happened but i can't! the best ever experienced i think happened in my life. going through all those creepy and crazy things, facing all those muka-mintak-penampar people. mengajar aku jadi kuat! MOSSE ini membawa seribu erti pada aku. kerja x berteman, nangis x berkawan. makin dekat tarikh event, makin aku rapuh. gilerr x macho aku asyik rase nak nangis manjang. *bukan rase lagi, mmg nanges* it's still clear in my mind how i cried heavily with the rain pouring at that evening, just a few hours before all the atheletes arrived. terima kasih pada semua yang menghulurkan bahu kepada aku! TQ! TQ! TQ!
notakaki: miss Ilya was very2 kind. that warm hugged and words from her had throw away all those burden i felt. and the appraised from beloved Prof Chen that me takut the most put my heart at ease, at least.