Tuesday, August 17, 2010


salam..stlh hmpir sebulan lbih aq d cni,aq tlh slmt menduduki dua TEST yg aq kira sgt* baekk skali..x dpt nk aq gmbrkn dgn kata2 'khbtn' aq mjwb soalan2 tersebut yg sgt mudh!=)
hmm..mls nk ckp psl ujian nh..
las weken aq tlh bjye membalikkn diri ke kg halaman terchenta!!sgt seronok..suda lama tidak pulg ke kg,.=)..dpt shoping2,,mkn pastinya!!dan TIDO.hehe..thnx to my br0ther yg tlh mendrive kereta selama lbih kurg 6 jam perjlnn pergi + 5 jam pjlnn pulg..xiexie!!~~
laen kali maw rase rempit naek motor pulak!!hehe..
#kwn2ku suda terbang..semoga kalian bjaya dlm hidup ya..ade rezki dan dipnjgkn umur kte jmpe lg,,=))

nabila huda bt. arifin
muna munirah bt. zamry
ummu asma' muhd rosli
ezyan syamin
amy farhana

p/s:sori la yea yg tataw name pnoh tue..hehe

Monday, August 9, 2010


salam..diz entry adalah untuk memuliakan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan yg mulia..sgt x sbr utk memperbanyakkan amal ibadah di bulan yg mulia ni..my frenz out there,jom kite sama2 meningkatkn amalan sunat seperti membaca al-Quran dan solat terawih k?!=))
~~semoga kita dpt memanfaatkn masa sebulan ini dgn aktiviti2 yg berfaedah..

p/s: $elamat berpuasa kpd semua!jgn ponteng2,,=D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Salam..diz is a special post dedicated to my friend,Nabila Huda bt. Arifin.. she's my rumate, my classmate, and a mate wh0 always stays with me for diz past m0nth.. sgt senang berkawan ngn dy..dy sorg yg happy g0 lucky,sgt ceria....and a little bit weird. byk yg plik psl dy..since knal dy,byk perkara plik psl diri dy yang aq taw..but for me,she's unique. and n0 one can replace her..there's no other person can be like her.she's always the one,.who cares for 0thers,who can cheer up when u are sad,and will be besides u when u need her..hope she will success in her future undertaking..aminn..
i'm a little bit shocked as she didn't said that she was going h0me today..luckily i had the opportunity to meet her for the last time.,although it was juz a minute..minah ni kuang asam nk lari cmtu je tnpa jmpe aq..naseb baek ummi nabila bgtawww...tq ummi cyg..and.....to all,
please, please, and please stay besides me in good and bad times...really need ur supports..<3
to all my bel0ved 0pto buddies,let us make diz 4 years a very w0nderfullllll moment in our life!pray that we will t0gether success no matter what we are d0ing for our future..=)
we are the eyes 0f the w0rld!~~~~

.:nabila <3:.