ke manakah ia menghilang??
salam..sekarang sudah hampir ke penghujung minggu untuk belajar.but seems i did not study for my exam yet..sgt teruk!!i'm still searching for dat ONE!!!where did he go??really need u right n0w!
plisszzz la kembali pd sy..MOOD!tlg la kmbali wahai MOOD blaja sy yg dh lme menyepikan diri..
I need u dear!!=$
p/s:doakan kejayaan saye...xiexie!
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
hanya sedikit rasa.
salam.sebenarnya byk lagi rasa hati yg aq nk coretkan.tapi.hari ini aq hanya nk mencoret sedikit rindu kawan2ku.di SEMESTI.dan tmn2 asasi.kdg2 rase sgt cume punye kwn2 tmpt mngadu.mereka yg slalu tngkn aq bile aq marah,hiburkn aq bile aq sedih,dan tmnkn aq ketawa.mslh aq,ketensionan aq.mereka lah tmpt aq luahkn skrg mereka mcm dh xde.mungkin aq je yg trase hati sgt.too sensitive.but bff aq sndri dh lme x hubungi aq.malahan bday aq yg lpas pon dy yg pling aq nntkn x wish.not a single msg.i'm not hoping they will give me something precious,just enough if they still remember and can remember me in my special moment.not every single second.and i'm still waiting if and only if they still remember me juz for a single moment in their life out's really hurt inside here.=(
Monday, October 4, 2010
w0nderfull Life!!
smIle iS tHe Cure for EveRythIng~~
salam..sekian lama aq terpaksa meninggalkn blog ini atas kesempitan masa yg menghalang aq dari mencoret suka duka warna warni hidup yg kulalui..byk sgt peristiwa yg dh berlaku spnjg aq menyepi..i really need to spill them out here but i can't..and now i've just got some time to write them out.. first of all, dlm bulan ramadhan yg lps persatuan OPTIMIST tlh anjurkn lwtn ke umh anak yatim..progrm yg diberi nme sehari prihatin optimist tue sdikit sbyk menginsafkn aq yg kdg2 x bersyukur dgn nikmat yg dh dikurniakn pd aq..melihat mereka yg tidak bernaseb abek di sane,hti aq rase tersentuh dgn kekuatan dorg meneruskan kehidupan tnpa ibu dan ayah..yg sgt menyentuh hti aq,,kanak2 sekecil 2 dan 3 thn yg bru nk mengenal dunia sudah pandai menjaga diri sendiri. namun aq tahu,pastinya jauh di dsr hti dorg, dorg sgt memerlukan dan merindui kasih syg seorg ibu dan ayah..
aq tersedar,walaupon aq juga turut merasa kekurangan,namun aq maseh punya mereka yg aq sygi..seharusnya aq menghargai dan mensyukuri kesempatan yg Allah telah berikan pd aq.. sesungguhnya setiap ujian itu menunjukkan Dia masih syg pd kite dan ambil berat akan kite..Dia xkn timpakn ujian yg kite sendiri xdpt nk pikul..Alhamdulillah ya Allah..berikan aq kekuatan untuk menempuh hari2 di muka bumi ini dengan penuh sabar dan cekal.. pengalaman bersama anak2 yatim itu merupakan pengalaman plg berharga dlm hdup aq.dh lama aq teringin nk melakukan kerja2 amal cmtu..terkabul jgk impian aq akhirnya..walaupon sehari suntuk di ctu dan sudah semestinya pnat lelah xterkata,namun ia sgt meninggalkn kesan mndlm pd insan seperti aq..insyaallah ada kelapangan aq ingin ke ctu lg,dan juga ke rumh ank2 yatim yg laenn..=)
salam..sekian lama aq terpaksa meninggalkn blog ini atas kesempitan masa yg menghalang aq dari mencoret suka duka warna warni hidup yg kulalui..byk sgt peristiwa yg dh berlaku spnjg aq menyepi..i really need to spill them out here but i can't..and now i've just got some time to write them out.. first of all, dlm bulan ramadhan yg lps persatuan OPTIMIST tlh anjurkn lwtn ke umh anak yatim..progrm yg diberi nme sehari prihatin optimist tue sdikit sbyk menginsafkn aq yg kdg2 x bersyukur dgn nikmat yg dh dikurniakn pd aq..melihat mereka yg tidak bernaseb abek di sane,hti aq rase tersentuh dgn kekuatan dorg meneruskan kehidupan tnpa ibu dan ayah..yg sgt menyentuh hti aq,,kanak2 sekecil 2 dan 3 thn yg bru nk mengenal dunia sudah pandai menjaga diri sendiri. namun aq tahu,pastinya jauh di dsr hti dorg, dorg sgt memerlukan dan merindui kasih syg seorg ibu dan ayah..
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
salam..stlh hmpir sebulan lbih aq d cni,aq tlh slmt menduduki dua TEST yg aq kira sgt* baekk skali..x dpt nk aq gmbrkn dgn kata2 'khbtn' aq mjwb soalan2 tersebut yg sgt mudh!=) nk ckp psl ujian nh..
las weken aq tlh bjye membalikkn diri ke kg halaman terchenta!!sgt seronok..suda lama tidak pulg ke kg,.=)..dpt shoping2,,mkn pastinya!!dan TIDO.hehe..thnx to my br0ther yg tlh mendrive kereta selama lbih kurg 6 jam perjlnn pergi + 5 jam pjlnn pulg..xiexie!!~~
laen kali maw rase rempit naek motor pulak!!hehe..
#kwn2ku suda terbang..semoga kalian bjaya dlm hidup ya..ade rezki dan dipnjgkn umur kte jmpe lg,,=)) nk ckp psl ujian nh..
las weken aq tlh bjye membalikkn diri ke kg halaman terchenta!!sgt seronok..suda lama tidak pulg ke kg,.=)..dpt shoping2,,mkn pastinya!!dan TIDO.hehe..thnx to my br0ther yg tlh mendrive kereta selama lbih kurg 6 jam perjlnn pergi + 5 jam pjlnn pulg..xiexie!!~~
laen kali maw rase rempit naek motor pulak!!hehe..
#kwn2ku suda terbang..semoga kalian bjaya dlm hidup ya..ade rezki dan dipnjgkn umur kte jmpe lg,,=))
nabila huda bt. arifin
muna munirah bt. zamry
ummu asma' muhd rosli
ezyan syamin
amy farhana
nabila huda bt. arifin
muna munirah bt. zamry
ummu asma' muhd rosli
ezyan syamin
amy farhana
p/s:sori la yea yg tataw name pnoh tue..hehe
Monday, August 9, 2010
salam..diz entry adalah untuk memuliakan kedatangan bulan Ramadhan yg mulia..sgt x sbr utk memperbanyakkan amal ibadah di bulan yg mulia frenz out there,jom kite sama2 meningkatkn amalan sunat seperti membaca al-Quran dan solat terawih k?!=))
~~semoga kita dpt memanfaatkn masa sebulan ini dgn aktiviti2 yg berfaedah..
p/s: $elamat berpuasa kpd semua!jgn ponteng2,,=D
~~semoga kita dpt memanfaatkn masa sebulan ini dgn aktiviti2 yg berfaedah..
p/s: $elamat berpuasa kpd semua!jgn ponteng2,,=D

Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Salam..diz is a special post dedicated to my friend,Nabila Huda bt. Arifin.. she's my rumate, my classmate, and a mate wh0 always stays with me for diz past m0nth.. sgt senang berkawan ngn dy..dy sorg yg happy g0 lucky,sgt ceria....and a little bit weird. byk yg plik psl dy..since knal dy,byk perkara plik psl diri dy yang aq taw..but for me,she's unique. and n0 one can replace her..there's no other person can be like her.she's always the one,.who cares for 0thers,who can cheer up when u are sad,and will be besides u when u need her..hope she will success in her future undertaking..aminn..
i'm a little bit shocked as she didn't said that she was going h0me today..luckily i had the opportunity to meet her for the last time.,although it was juz a minute..minah ni kuang asam nk lari cmtu je tnpa jmpe aq..naseb baek ummi nabila bgtawww...tq ummi all,
please, please, and please stay besides me in good and bad times...really need ur supports..<3
to all my bel0ved 0pto buddies,let us make diz 4 years a very w0nderfullllll moment in our life!pray that we will t0gether success no matter what we are d0ing for our future..=)
we are the eyes 0f the w0rld!~~~~
i'm a little bit shocked as she didn't said that she was going h0me today..luckily i had the opportunity to meet her for the last time.,although it was juz a minute..minah ni kuang asam nk lari cmtu je tnpa jmpe aq..naseb baek ummi nabila bgtawww...tq ummi all,
please, please, and please stay besides me in good and bad times...really need ur supports..<3
to all my bel0ved 0pto buddies,let us make diz 4 years a very w0nderfullllll moment in our life!pray that we will t0gether success no matter what we are d0ing for our future..=)
we are the eyes 0f the w0rld!~~~~
Monday, July 26, 2010
sgt gmbira dpt knal dgn bdk team petanque utk SAF 2010..k.azi,k.najat..dorg sgt
best!miss da m0ment we played 2gether..sgt enjoy da game although x mng..sweet memory ever and insyaallah i will take part for next year SAF also..=)
next tym i will make sure that i will involve in other game t0o!!really l0ve sports!
besides,dpt jmpe my ex-classmates tym asasi..wan,roha,nida,n izzah..sgt rndu nk kumpul rmai2 cmtu lg..huhu..sgt sronok!
dlm suke2.,rase sdeh jgk..sbb xdpt jmpe intn n my bel0ved nasreen..really misz them so aq taw..kte hnya mmpu mrncg,Allah yg mnentukn sgalanye..smoge kami dpt bjumpe d masa akn dtg ya Allah..aminn..
aq sgt excited mle2 dpt jersi SAF yg sgt cun!!!!credit t0 da pers0n who design it!guess wh0??'s secret..i'm not telling here..=)
also..juz n0w i went 0ut with my bro n sis yaya..(my sis in law t0 be)..sgt cuak sbb aq lewat mnyebbkn dy mrajuk..sori sis..hehe..will n0t do it a very delicious f0od to eat to break our fast..i'm not fasting actually,only da tw0 of them..hehe
24 july 2010..all my h0usmate n i went out t0 psr mlm for the 1st tym at bndr punck alm..guess what,there is no bus f0r us to g0 back t0 our c0llege!sgt sengal bas2 hari itu..we walked with no p0int,searching f0r busses!at last,i asked f0r help fr0m my br0ther..luckily sis yaya's frenz got a car n we managed t0 reached 0ur c0llege..thnx to da sisters wh0 sent was da last mem0ry we could spent 2gether,da 8 0f s0me of us will m0ve 0ut fr0m uitm,to take an0ther course..guys,,really nice t0 know u all..h0pe our friendship will last f0rever..
t0 my friends dat will stay 2gether with me in this 4 hard,memorable years..please hold my hand t0gether in the climb we will go through..let's fill 0ur tym t0gether with the sweetest mem0ry we could make..and i believe,we can make it,,t0 be the m0st 0utstanding OPTOMETRIST in the w0rld!lets pray 4 0ur success guys!=)
sgt gmbira dpt knal dgn bdk team petanque utk SAF 2010..k.azi,k.najat..dorg sgt
best!miss da m0ment we played 2gether..sgt enjoy da game although x mng..sweet memory ever and insyaallah i will take part for next year SAF also..=)
next tym i will make sure that i will involve in other game t0o!!really l0ve sports!
besides,dpt jmpe my ex-classmates tym asasi..wan,roha,nida,n izzah..sgt rndu nk kumpul rmai2 cmtu lg..huhu..sgt sronok!
dlm suke2.,rase sdeh jgk..sbb xdpt jmpe intn n my bel0ved nasreen..really misz them so aq taw..kte hnya mmpu mrncg,Allah yg mnentukn sgalanye..smoge kami dpt bjumpe d masa akn dtg ya Allah..aminn..
aq sgt excited mle2 dpt jersi SAF yg sgt cun!!!!credit t0 da pers0n who design it!guess wh0??'s secret..i'm not telling here..=)
also..juz n0w i went 0ut with my bro n sis yaya..(my sis in law t0 be)..sgt cuak sbb aq lewat mnyebbkn dy mrajuk..sori sis..hehe..will n0t do it a very delicious f0od to eat to break our fast..i'm not fasting actually,only da tw0 of them..hehe
24 july 2010..all my h0usmate n i went out t0 psr mlm for the 1st tym at bndr punck alm..guess what,there is no bus f0r us to g0 back t0 our c0llege!sgt sengal bas2 hari itu..we walked with no p0int,searching f0r busses!at last,i asked f0r help fr0m my br0ther..luckily sis yaya's frenz got a car n we managed t0 reached 0ur c0llege..thnx to da sisters wh0 sent was da last mem0ry we could spent 2gether,da 8 0f s0me of us will m0ve 0ut fr0m uitm,to take an0ther course..guys,,really nice t0 know u all..h0pe our friendship will last f0rever..
t0 my friends dat will stay 2gether with me in this 4 hard,memorable years..please hold my hand t0gether in the climb we will go through..let's fill 0ur tym t0gether with the sweetest mem0ry we could make..and i believe,we can make it,,t0 be the m0st 0utstanding OPTOMETRIST in the w0rld!lets pray 4 0ur success guys!=)
dedicated t0 all 0pto buddies~~~
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
.:0PTOMETRY:. mencuri sdikit mse utk meluahkn rasa aq d cni.stlh hmpir 2 weeks memulakan kuliah,,aq mule dpt menyesuaikn dri dgn mo0d study yg tlh lme terkubur..although blum mndpt 'aura' yg sepenuhnya..hehe.=)
hmm...rmai mmbr2 yg bz nk tukar kos,,nk klua,,coz they can't adapt with the situation that we need to learn more about physics!..or more specific,,l0vely OPTICS!!walaupon aq rase klayakn aq dh ckup utk membolehkn aq tukar kos yg aq nk.,but i think that i should stick with this course,OPTOMETRY!aq rase ade hikmahnye aq dpt kos ni,instead of pharmacy.coz although i kn0w that i l0ve chem more than physics itself,but i s0meh0w m0re perf0rm in physics subject rather than my bel0ved chemistry..besides, i don't want to tr0uble myself to change to another course and need to adapt myself with the new tahu setiap 0rg berhak utk plh yg terbaek utk diri mereka..and i pray they will get their best thing for their future life..insyaallah..
juz a little bit ab0ut my rumate and h0usemate..nabila,ummi,fatin,syikin,ummu,yan & ana..alhmdulillah aq dpt housmate yg sejiwa dgn aq,,gile2,semp0i,,sp0rting,,we get to know each 0ther during the 'phant0m of 0pia'.,kem orientasi bdk2 0pt0 yg sgt bes bg aq!!.mmg glerrr gmpak laaaaa...=D..although ade yg nk kua nnt,,especially my rumate yg bkemungkinn bsr nk tuka,.aq pasti akn rndu korg nnt..wlaupon kte knl bru kjap,tp aq dh syg korg cm kwn aq yg aq dh lme knl..moge ukhwah yg dh terbinaa akn kekal slamenye...aminnn~~~~n 0ne last thing,i l0ve my classmates t0o!!!!muahhhx!
hmm...rmai mmbr2 yg bz nk tukar kos,,nk klua,,coz they can't adapt with the situation that we need to learn more about physics!..or more specific,,l0vely OPTICS!!walaupon aq rase klayakn aq dh ckup utk membolehkn aq tukar kos yg aq nk.,but i think that i should stick with this course,OPTOMETRY!aq rase ade hikmahnye aq dpt kos ni,instead of pharmacy.coz although i kn0w that i l0ve chem more than physics itself,but i s0meh0w m0re perf0rm in physics subject rather than my bel0ved chemistry..besides, i don't want to tr0uble myself to change to another course and need to adapt myself with the new tahu setiap 0rg berhak utk plh yg terbaek utk diri mereka..and i pray they will get their best thing for their future life..insyaallah..
juz a little bit ab0ut my rumate and h0usemate..nabila,ummi,fatin,syikin,ummu,yan & ana..alhmdulillah aq dpt housmate yg sejiwa dgn aq,,gile2,semp0i,,sp0rting,,we get to know each 0ther during the 'phant0m of 0pia'.,kem orientasi bdk2 0pt0 yg sgt bes bg aq!!.mmg glerrr gmpak laaaaa...=D..although ade yg nk kua nnt,,especially my rumate yg bkemungkinn bsr nk tuka,.aq pasti akn rndu korg nnt..wlaupon kte knl bru kjap,tp aq dh syg korg cm kwn aq yg aq dh lme knl..moge ukhwah yg dh terbinaa akn kekal slamenye...aminnn~~~~n 0ne last thing,i l0ve my classmates t0o!!!!muahhhx!
Friday, July 2, 2010
mY neW j0uRney...
$ last,dpt jugak menulis di cni..stlh sekian lama menyepikn diri,aq berpeluang untuk menc0retkn diari hidupku yg pnuh warna-warni sepnjg Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) di UITM Kampus Puncak was 0ne of the best orientation week i had go through in my life..sgt2 best..although i'm always sleepy during the talk..=)
but perkara yg pling "best"! kt cni adlh tgga nye..sgt 'unik' dan 'menarik'!..and i have no choice but t0 use that facility in order for me to reach my bel0ved anggap itu sbgai exercise harian ku slame mntp di kolej..
i wanna tell that there is only 28 students in my course!it's a very 'huge' number! we're gonna stay in the same class,,and become the only students for opt0metry course for the 1st semester..after a very g0od briefing from the president of OPTIMIS,,(which is a very shy and hands0me man!),i started to l0ve this course as it lo0ks interesting to study in this field till i'm graduate!i would like t0 be one 0f the fam0us 0pt0metris in malaysia..insyaallah..
aq rase byk lg yg x dc0retkn d mse dh smkin lewat..dan es0k aq ingn kluar ke shah alam dgn kne td0 awl skit..hehehe..although x dpt jmpe nasreen n intn,,tp insyaallah 0ne day i will go and meet y0u guys!!
salam rindu buat semua teman2 se asasi rindu sgt pd kalian!!;)
but perkara yg pling "best"! kt cni adlh tgga nye..sgt 'unik' dan 'menarik'!..and i have no choice but t0 use that facility in order for me to reach my bel0ved anggap itu sbgai exercise harian ku slame mntp di kolej..
i wanna tell that there is only 28 students in my course!it's a very 'huge' number! we're gonna stay in the same class,,and become the only students for opt0metry course for the 1st semester..after a very g0od briefing from the president of OPTIMIS,,(which is a very shy and hands0me man!),i started to l0ve this course as it lo0ks interesting to study in this field till i'm graduate!i would like t0 be one 0f the fam0us 0pt0metris in malaysia..insyaallah..
aq rase byk lg yg x dc0retkn d mse dh smkin lewat..dan es0k aq ingn kluar ke shah alam dgn kne td0 awl skit..hehehe..although x dpt jmpe nasreen n intn,,tp insyaallah 0ne day i will go and meet y0u guys!!
salam rindu buat semua teman2 se asasi rindu sgt pd kalian!!;)
Saturday, May 22, 2010
..whAt i wAnT t0 Be??..
rase keliru.confused.bingung.buntu.semua rase ade dlm diri skng ni.
nk pilih kos ape??takot xdpt kos yg aq nk..but know somthing inside my heart,...
aq ade perasaan yg sgt kuat nk msuk uitm blik..donn0 why..myb coz it had given s0me w0nderful m0ments for me,,or it's juz my own feeling..
tibe2 aq rase sepi.lonely..sjak dh hbes asasi. coz aq rase jaoh dgn teman2 yg aq syg..n aq rase dh xde tmn yg tmn aq kt umh..
xde lg tmn maen,,smbang,ktawe..
aq rase perpisahan sedikit sebyk membuka jurang dlm pershbtn..ntahla...can't talk about it.
papep0n.,i always pray that one day we could be t0gether again..dgn izin ALLAH..aminn.. j0b bjln dgn lncr stkt ni.although on that mother's day aq hmpir2 pitam in front of the cust0mers..,anyway,i hope my salary for diz month is m0re than the previ0us one!=D
ckp psl keje,,.smlm ade sorg abg dtg kdaiku. bli r0ti. aq x prasan dy mule2.tym aq msuk kaunter,bru ternmpk dy..DUPPP2x!jntung aq bdegup kuat!..mne x nye,muke dy suci gler..dgn kopiah n bju mlayu purple yg kemas tersarung kt bdn dy yg bleh thn t0ugh,,aq tgk skali dh bleh jat0h cnta!SERIUS!..n my sis at da shop also said that HE has a g0od manners..sgt terpegun tgk abg tu..sgt3!hope i will get a husband like him..aminn..=)
rase keliru.confused.bingung.buntu.semua rase ade dlm diri skng ni.
nk pilih kos ape??takot xdpt kos yg aq nk..but know somthing inside my heart,...
aq ade perasaan yg sgt kuat nk msuk uitm blik..donn0 why..myb coz it had given s0me w0nderful m0ments for me,,or it's juz my own feeling..
tibe2 aq rase sepi.lonely..sjak dh hbes asasi. coz aq rase jaoh dgn teman2 yg aq syg..n aq rase dh xde tmn yg tmn aq kt umh..
xde lg tmn maen,,smbang,ktawe..
aq rase perpisahan sedikit sebyk membuka jurang dlm pershbtn..ntahla...can't talk about it.
papep0n.,i always pray that one day we could be t0gether again..dgn izin ALLAH..aminn.. j0b bjln dgn lncr stkt ni.although on that mother's day aq hmpir2 pitam in front of the cust0mers..,anyway,i hope my salary for diz month is m0re than the previ0us one!=D
ckp psl keje,,.smlm ade sorg abg dtg kdaiku. bli r0ti. aq x prasan dy mule2.tym aq msuk kaunter,bru ternmpk dy..DUPPP2x!jntung aq bdegup kuat!..mne x nye,muke dy suci gler..dgn kopiah n bju mlayu purple yg kemas tersarung kt bdn dy yg bleh thn t0ugh,,aq tgk skali dh bleh jat0h cnta!SERIUS!..n my sis at da shop also said that HE has a g0od manners..sgt terpegun tgk abg tu..sgt3!hope i will get a husband like him..aminn..=)
Saturday, April 3, 2010
i luv my j0b..
it's alm0st two week since i'm start w0rking..the j0b is very interesting although it is quite tiring..
but the m0st part that i like is writing names 0n the cake!
but kdg2 rase mcm mls nk kje..kdg2 rajen nk keje..c0z diz few days i'm not feeling very well..
aq akn kuatkn smngt t0k abeskn 3 bln!!insyaallah..
also,aq asyik termmpikn teman2ku..guys,i misz u all......
and i just talked with bella..kinda misz her t0.h0pe we can hang 0ut together during this l0ng h0liday...=)
but the m0st part that i like is writing names 0n the cake!
but kdg2 rase mcm mls nk kje..kdg2 rajen nk keje..c0z diz few days i'm not feeling very well..
aq akn kuatkn smngt t0k abeskn 3 bln!!insyaallah..
also,aq asyik termmpikn teman2ku..guys,i misz u all......
and i just talked with bella..kinda misz her t0.h0pe we can hang 0ut together during this l0ng h0liday...=)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
it's hArd to decIde!
i've juz got a job! n guess what! esok aq kne msuk keje da!!cpt glerrr.. ingtkn nk lpak dlm smgu lg.. but then aq terpk, cmner nk solat tym keje t??? arghhhh..pning btul jgk ckp akk ku, susah keje dgn cina. c0z dyorg xpduli sgt ngn kwajipan kta yg stu tu. SOLAT. dan esok sgalanya akn dtentukn. aq kne runding ngn majikan aq dlu. kalau dy ckp 0n, aq p0n 0n.. kalau x, 0ff la aq d rumah,... aq jgk dh dftr utk amek lesen memandu! yeahh!!! akhirnya cita2ku mkin tercapai.. nk merempit secara halal.. b4 ni haram jer... tp cuak jgk,,takot xpass.. anyway,i'll try my best! chaiy0k2!!!
~~masih terkenangkan teman2ku..
Monday, March 22, 2010
KiSah kAmi..
aq xtahu bagaimana nk memulakan aq nk ceritakn kisah kami..kisah suka duka kami dctu..glak tawa kami..juga tangisan kami..d ctu,,tmpt kami bermain,blajar, mengenali satu sama lain..hingga kami thu dgn mndalam..erti sebuah persahabatn yg sebenar..kami bersama x lama..xlbih dari setahun..
tp mungkin krn karakter yg sma,kami jd serasi..seingt aq,jrg kami bmsm muka..kami xslalu bjumpa krn sibuk,,kami x sebilik jg x sekelas..nmun kta 0rg,mgkin kami ade CHEMISTRY..bila bjumpa,hti kami tng,sng dan gmbira..
seminggu sblum kami menamatkn pengajian,(a.k.a mgu final exam),,hti dh x tnteram..sbb kami thu,xlme lg kami akan bpisah..tiap kali lpas jmpe mereka dlm mgu itu,airmta aq akn bgenang..pasni kami dah xle jmpe cmne lg..rase sdeh sgt nk hadapi saat2 perpisahan..spnjg mgu exam,kami hanya smpt bselisih bahu,dan bertanya khabar..and at the last day of the examinati0n....
17 mac 2010
h0oray!kami dh merdeka!we juz finished 0ur last paper,but that was the worst among the 0ther papers..quite difficult..but we had try 0ur best..then ptg itu,kami pun memulakan rncgn kami utk....ENJ0Y!!
aq dan romate ku tlah bhajat utk mkn sate kajang bsama..stlh mkn,we went to p.a.s to play b0wlingg..but then,ramai sgt org yg men mlm tu smpai kami terpksa mnunggu..

my roommates..
then,xsangka kwn2ku nk ajak kami ke i-city..mlm tu,mlm terakhir kami bsma..kami xbleh lupa mlm tu..dlm gmbira mnikmati keindahan i-city,terselit duka menanti saat aq syukur,allah msih mmbri kami kesempatan utk bsma d saat akhir wlaupun seketika..alhamdulillah..mlm tu,aq bmimpi tntg kami..dlm mimpiku,kami menangis..krn kami akn bpisah......
18 mac 2010
itulah yg terjadi hari ini..kami menangis sprti yg aq mimpikn..perit sungguh wktu itu.
hanya tuhan yg tahu hti kami saat itu.namun kami akur,setiap pertemuan itu pasti akan berakhir dgn perpisahan.yg hidup pasti mati,dan yg datang pasti akn pergi..
perpisahan itu,kami iringi dgn airmta,dan kata2 prangsang,juga d0a,,agr satu ketika nnt kami dpt bsma lg..
hari itu,aq hanya bermandikan airmta,,mengenangkn tmn2 yg tiada lg dcc utk jd shbtku utk ketawa,kwn bduka,dan rakan bermain..
aq sedar,,sahabat itu adalah pelengkap diri..kurniaan terindah dari ilahi buat mengiringi hidup aq,sahabat2ku adlh yg terbaik yg pernah ku temui,dan xkan dpt aq tukar gnti dgn sesiapa pon d dunia ini..merekalah sahabat,teman dan rakanku..tnpa mereka,duniaku jd sepi,tnpa wrna..ku doakan kalian sntiasa dlm sejahtera walau dmana pon kalian brada..insyaallah kta akn bjumpa andai tuhan mengizinkn..ameen..
aq rndu kalian..moga kita dpt bjumpa dan bgmbira seperti dlu..=)
aq xtahu bagaimana nk memulakan aq nk ceritakn kisah kami..kisah suka duka kami dctu..glak tawa kami..juga tangisan kami..d ctu,,tmpt kami bermain,blajar, mengenali satu sama lain..hingga kami thu dgn mndalam..erti sebuah persahabatn yg sebenar..kami bersama x lama..xlbih dari setahun..
tp mungkin krn karakter yg sma,kami jd serasi..seingt aq,jrg kami bmsm muka..kami xslalu bjumpa krn sibuk,,kami x sebilik jg x sekelas..nmun kta 0rg,mgkin kami ade CHEMISTRY..bila bjumpa,hti kami tng,sng dan gmbira..
seminggu sblum kami menamatkn pengajian,(a.k.a mgu final exam),,hti dh x tnteram..sbb kami thu,xlme lg kami akan bpisah..tiap kali lpas jmpe mereka dlm mgu itu,airmta aq akn bgenang..pasni kami dah xle jmpe cmne lg..rase sdeh sgt nk hadapi saat2 perpisahan..spnjg mgu exam,kami hanya smpt bselisih bahu,dan bertanya khabar..and at the last day of the examinati0n....
17 mac 2010
h0oray!kami dh merdeka!we juz finished 0ur last paper,but that was the worst among the 0ther papers..quite difficult..but we had try 0ur best..then ptg itu,kami pun memulakan rncgn kami utk....ENJ0Y!!
aq dan romate ku tlah bhajat utk mkn sate kajang bsama..stlh mkn,we went to p.a.s to play b0wlingg..but then,ramai sgt org yg men mlm tu smpai kami terpksa mnunggu..
my roommates..
then,xsangka kwn2ku nk ajak kami ke i-city..mlm tu,mlm terakhir kami bsma..kami xbleh lupa mlm tu..dlm gmbira mnikmati keindahan i-city,terselit duka menanti saat aq syukur,allah msih mmbri kami kesempatan utk bsma d saat akhir wlaupun seketika..alhamdulillah..mlm tu,aq bmimpi tntg kami..dlm mimpiku,kami menangis..krn kami akn bpisah......
18 mac 2010
itulah yg terjadi hari ini..kami menangis sprti yg aq mimpikn..perit sungguh wktu itu.
hanya tuhan yg tahu hti kami saat itu.namun kami akur,setiap pertemuan itu pasti akan berakhir dgn perpisahan.yg hidup pasti mati,dan yg datang pasti akn pergi..
perpisahan itu,kami iringi dgn airmta,dan kata2 prangsang,juga d0a,,agr satu ketika nnt kami dpt bsma lg..
hari itu,aq hanya bermandikan airmta,,mengenangkn tmn2 yg tiada lg dcc utk jd shbtku utk ketawa,kwn bduka,dan rakan bermain..
aq sedar,,sahabat itu adalah pelengkap diri..kurniaan terindah dari ilahi buat mengiringi hidup aq,sahabat2ku adlh yg terbaik yg pernah ku temui,dan xkan dpt aq tukar gnti dgn sesiapa pon d dunia ini..merekalah sahabat,teman dan rakanku..tnpa mereka,duniaku jd sepi,tnpa wrna..ku doakan kalian sntiasa dlm sejahtera walau dmana pon kalian brada..insyaallah kta akn bjumpa andai tuhan mengizinkn..ameen..
aq rndu kalian..moga kita dpt bjumpa dan bgmbira seperti dlu..=)
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
kemBali puLang!
aq malu!!!!!hmpir2 salah naik bs td..sume ni b0b la pnye psl..gara2 2ngu dy yg x smpai2,aq p0n glabah tgk satu bs nh yg dh nk grak..ingtkn bs ktorg..punye la aq suh pkck driver tu 2ngu..b0b x smpai2 jgk..las2,s0rg abg transnasional ni tnye la,
abg trans:adik ni nk pegi mane??
aq:nk pegi shah alam tgh 2ngu kwn..2ngu kjp je lg ye bang..
abg trans:bs ni bkn ke shah alam laa..
rupe2nyer,bs tu nk ke lumut!!dusshhh!!kene sebijik kt aq!salah bs rupenyer!then,bs tu trus tutup pintu n xtaw nk cmpk muke kt mane tym tu..nseb bek aq x naek bs tu..cume 2ngu kt dpn pintu dy je..b0b plak yg dok terg0poh2 dtg p0n same2 glakkn aq..mcm baru 1st tym aq nek bs..haha..tutup story nie.(malu teramat!)
then n0w,i'm juz finishing my work..kemas bilik,since my r0mmate xsmpai lg..i t0ok the chance to sweep the lbih suke mngemas bile xde 0rg..(x suke tunjuk rajen k0non2")..

emm..actualy td aq x smpt jumpe my eldest br0 coz dy kua p mane ntah..a little bit xpela, at least dh jmpe dy mlm td..but i want to say dat i'm very upset sbb xdpt mkn sate smlm!..sume kdai mkn tutup..yg bukak p0n dh abes ditempah sate2nye..apsal sume 0rg nk mkn sate skrg ni???x phm t0l..s0 mybe tonight dorg sume akn mkn tnpa aq...arghhh!
diz m0rning aq terbace my besfrenz's blog..terharu aq bile dy c0retkn ab0ut da remarkable pers0ns in his life c0z i'm 0ne of them!teringat zaman skola dulu..slalu gad0h,gelak2..nangis p0n same2..bile one of us sakit,mulelah yg sihat mmbebel mcm mak nenek suh mkn ubt..c0z we share the same habit,mls mkn ubt!..dan kt0rg seri sbb sume prnh msg2 dh kne 'torture' antara satu sama bg aq skrg,dat was 0ne 0f the best mem0ry kt0rg bersame..(although tyme tu rase nk sepak je muke2 yg kuat membebel tu)..0opps..
to my besfrenzs,
abg trans:adik ni nk pegi mane??
aq:nk pegi shah alam tgh 2ngu kwn..2ngu kjp je lg ye bang..
abg trans:bs ni bkn ke shah alam laa..
rupe2nyer,bs tu nk ke lumut!!dusshhh!!kene sebijik kt aq!salah bs rupenyer!then,bs tu trus tutup pintu n xtaw nk cmpk muke kt mane tym tu..nseb bek aq x naek bs tu..cume 2ngu kt dpn pintu dy je..b0b plak yg dok terg0poh2 dtg p0n same2 glakkn aq..mcm baru 1st tym aq nek bs..haha..tutup story nie.(malu teramat!)
then n0w,i'm juz finishing my work..kemas bilik,since my r0mmate xsmpai lg..i t0ok the chance to sweep the lbih suke mngemas bile xde 0rg..(x suke tunjuk rajen k0non2")..

emm..actualy td aq x smpt jumpe my eldest br0 coz dy kua p mane ntah..a little bit xpela, at least dh jmpe dy mlm td..but i want to say dat i'm very upset sbb xdpt mkn sate smlm!..sume kdai mkn tutup..yg bukak p0n dh abes ditempah sate2nye..apsal sume 0rg nk mkn sate skrg ni???x phm t0l..s0 mybe tonight dorg sume akn mkn tnpa aq...arghhh!
diz m0rning aq terbace my besfrenz's blog..terharu aq bile dy c0retkn ab0ut da remarkable pers0ns in his life c0z i'm 0ne of them!teringat zaman skola dulu..slalu gad0h,gelak2..nangis p0n same2..bile one of us sakit,mulelah yg sihat mmbebel mcm mak nenek suh mkn ubt..c0z we share the same habit,mls mkn ubt!..dan kt0rg seri sbb sume prnh msg2 dh kne 'torture' antara satu sama bg aq skrg,dat was 0ne 0f the best mem0ry kt0rg bersame..(although tyme tu rase nk sepak je muke2 yg kuat membebel tu)..0opps..
to my besfrenzs,
N0rnabila Zubir (2/2)
Izzul Syahmi Che Rusli (3/2)
Jumaatun Husna Abd Latiff (15/2)
Izzul Syahmi Che Rusli (3/2)
Jumaatun Husna Abd Latiff (15/2)
skali lg aq mengucapkan happy birthday kt k0rg yg baru je mlangkah ke era19..(aq mude lg...hehe)i'm always pray f0r ur sukses although kte dipisahkn wktu dan jarak yg hrp pershbtn kte x lapuk dek panas,x lekang dek hujan..walau ribut walau badai yg melanda..blablabla.....phm2 sendiri la ape aq nk ckp..ha3..papep0n,rindu sgt2 kt k0rg!muahhx!

Monday, February 15, 2010
.:my 1st st0ry!:.

diz is my.. story!haha..sounds weird plak nk menulis nh..c0z i'm not used t0 be a sbb teringin pnye psl..menulis jgkla akhirnye dcni..emm,,actualy today is my besfrenz kire my first post is specially dedicate to her..
happy birthday to u..(2x) happy birhday to una... happy birthday to u...
p/s:sorie,aq xde hdiah...=)
p/s:sorie,aq xde hdiah...=)
back to mai story,aq sbnrnye dh nk dkt final exm nh..juz around the c0rner org tabiie aq,,aq plg mls nk stadi..s0 aq nh terkenal sbg muke2 plari pecut 4X400m yg msih berhrp ade 0rg d luar sane yg mmpu bg aq "aura" yg mmbuatkn aq semangat utk stadi spnjg mse!!(mimpi je la aq...)angan2 mat jenin..
hmm...b4 i go,i've a confession to make!I'm juz chatting with my s0ulmate!!ha3..tpkn,,kkk ipr aq slalu ckp..
"kte kejar bidadara syurga je la dik"...
ayt yg mmbuatkn aq slalu terdiam n melupekn 'seketika' s0ulmate,,dan kdg2 aq rase..btul ape yg dy ckpkn..cume aq blum cukup kuat cm dy utk cuma mengimpikn wildan di taman syurga..rindu kt akk iprku..=D
hmm...b4 i go,i've a confession to make!I'm juz chatting with my s0ulmate!!ha3..tpkn,,kkk ipr aq slalu ckp..
"kte kejar bidadara syurga je la dik"...
ayt yg mmbuatkn aq slalu terdiam n melupekn 'seketika' s0ulmate,,dan kdg2 aq rase..btul ape yg dy ckpkn..cume aq blum cukup kuat cm dy utk cuma mengimpikn wildan di taman syurga..rindu kt akk iprku..=D
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