diz is my.. story!haha..sounds weird plak nk menulis nh..c0z i'm not used t0 be a writer..tp sbb teringin pnye psl..menulis jgkla akhirnye dcni..emm,,actualy today is my besfrenz birthday..so kire my first post is specially dedicate to her..
happy birthday to u..(2x) happy birhday to una... happy birthday to u...
p/s:sorie,aq xde hdiah...=)
p/s:sorie,aq xde hdiah...=)
back to mai story,aq sbnrnye dh nk dkt final exm nh..juz around the c0rner org ckp..tp tabiie aq,,aq plg mls nk stadi..s0 aq nh terkenal sbg muke2 plari pecut 4X400m yg terakhir..aq msih berhrp ade 0rg d luar sane yg mmpu bg aq "aura" yg mmbuatkn aq semangat utk stadi spnjg mse!!(mimpi je la aq...)angan2 mat jenin..
hmm...b4 i go,i've a confession to make!I'm juz chatting with my s0ulmate!!ha3..tpkn,,kkk ipr aq slalu ckp..
"kte kejar bidadara syurga je la dik"...
ayt yg mmbuatkn aq slalu terdiam n melupekn 'seketika' s0ulmate,,dan kdg2 aq rase..btul ape yg dy ckpkn..cume aq blum cukup kuat cm dy utk cuma mengimpikn wildan di taman syurga..rindu kt akk iprku..=D
hmm...b4 i go,i've a confession to make!I'm juz chatting with my s0ulmate!!ha3..tpkn,,kkk ipr aq slalu ckp..
"kte kejar bidadara syurga je la dik"...
ayt yg mmbuatkn aq slalu terdiam n melupekn 'seketika' s0ulmate,,dan kdg2 aq rase..btul ape yg dy ckpkn..cume aq blum cukup kuat cm dy utk cuma mengimpikn wildan di taman syurga..rindu kt akk iprku..=D
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