Tuesday, February 16, 2010

kemBali puLang!

aq malu!!!!!hmpir2 salah naik bs td..sume ni b0b la pnye psl..gara2 2ngu dy yg x smpai2,aq p0n glabah tgk satu bs nh yg dh nk grak..ingtkn bs ktorg..punye la aq suh pkck driver tu 2ngu..b0b x smpai2 jgk..las2,s0rg abg transnasional ni tnye la,

abg trans:adik ni nk pegi mane??

aq:nk pegi shah alam ni..tp tgh 2ngu kwn
..2ngu kjp je lg ye bang..
abg trans:bs ni bkn ke shah alam laa..

rupe2nyer,bs tu nk ke lumut!!dusshhh!!kene sebijik kt aq!salah bs rupenyer!then,bs tu trus tutup pintu n jln..aq xtaw nk cmpk muke kt mane tym tu..nseb bek aq x naek bs tu..cume 2ngu kt dpn pintu dy je..b0b plak yg dok terg0poh2 dtg p0n same2 glakkn aq..mcm baru 1st tym aq nek bs..haha..tutup story nie.(malu teramat!)

then n0w,i'm juz finishing my work..
kemas bilik,since my r0mmate xsmpai lg..i t0ok the chance to sweep the flo0r..aq lbih suke mngemas bile xde 0rg..(x suke tunjuk rajen k0non2")..

emm..actualy td aq x smpt jumpe my eldest br0 coz dy kua p mane ntah..a little bit disappointed..tp xpela, at least dh jmpe dy mlm td..but i want to say dat i'm very upset sbb xdpt mkn sate smlm!..sume kdai mkn tutup..yg bukak p0n dh abes ditempah sate2nye..apsal sume 0rg nk mkn sate skrg ni???x phm t0l..s0 mybe tonight dorg sume akn mkn tnpa aq...arghhh!

diz m0rning aq terbace my besfrenz's blog..terharu aq bile dy c0retkn ab0ut da remarkable pers0ns in his life c0z i'm 0ne of them!teringat zaman skola dulu..slalu gad0h,gelak2..nangis p0n same2..bile one of us sakit,mulelah yg sihat mmbebel mcm mak nenek suh mkn ubt..c0z we share the same habit,mls mkn ubt!..dan kt0rg seri sbb sume prnh sakit..so msg2 dh kne 'torture' antara satu sama lain..tp bg aq skrg,dat was 0ne 0f the best mem0ry kt0rg bersame..(although tyme tu rase nk sepak je muke2 yg kuat membebel tu)..0opps..

to my besfrenzs,

N0rnabila Zubir (2/2)
Izzul Syahmi Che Rusli (3/2)
Jumaatun Husna Abd Latiff (15/2)

skali lg aq mengucapkan happy birthday kt k0rg yg baru je mlangkah ke era19..(aq mude lg...hehe)i'm always pray f0r ur sukses although kte dipisahkn wktu dan jarak yg jauh..aq hrp pershbtn kte x lapuk dek panas,x lekang dek hujan..walau ribut walau badai yg melanda..blablabla.....phm2 sendiri la ape aq nk ckp..ha3..papep0n,rindu sgt2 kt k0rg!muahhx!

Monday, February 15, 2010

.:my 1st st0ry!:.

diz is my.. story!haha..sounds weird plak nk menulis nh..c0z i'm not used t0 be a writer..tp sbb teringin pnye psl..menulis jgkla akhirnye dcni..emm,,actualy today is my besfrenz birthday..so kire my first post is specially dedicate to her..

happy birthday to u..(2x) happy birhday to una... happy birthday to u...
p/s:sorie,aq xde hdiah...=)

back to mai story,aq sbnrnye dh nk dkt final exm nh..juz around the c0rner org ckp..tp tabiie aq,,aq plg mls nk stadi..s0 aq nh terkenal sbg muke2 plari pecut 4X400m yg terakhir..aq msih berhrp ade 0rg d luar sane yg mmpu bg aq "aura" yg mmbuatkn aq semangat utk stadi spnjg mse!!(mimpi je la aq...)angan2 mat jenin..
hmm...b4 i go,i've a confession to make!I'm juz chatting with my s0ulmate!!ha3..tpkn,,kkk ipr aq slalu ckp..

"kte kejar bidadara syurga je la dik"...

ayt yg mmbuatkn aq slalu terdiam n melupekn
'seketika' s0ulmate,,dan kdg2 aq rase..btul ape yg dy ckpkn..cume aq blum cukup kuat cm dy utk cuma mengimpikn wildan di taman syurga..rindu kt akk iprku..=D