Monday, April 20, 2015

Satu Perhentian

Dengan Nama Allah Yang Maha Pemurah Lagi Maha Penyayang.

It's a life-escape. The blue sky, the wind and the sea. They sang songs to me, wanting to heal the pain no one ever knew.

How much i enjoyed my days, only He knows.
How many tears dropped,
Its just how, do I have this kind of courage to choose my path now.
As brave as I throwed myself in the middle of the sea,
Hanging to the so-called life jacket.
I'm gonna get me in a new 'jungle' of dream,
Hanging onto Him,
Allah The Almighty.

Niat aku lillahi taala.
Demi umi abah.
Bahagiakan mereka, andai aku ingin bahagia.