Monday, July 26, 2010


sgt gmbira dpt knal dgn bdk team petanque utk SAF 2010..k.azi,k.najat..dorg sgt
best!miss da m0ment we played 2gether..sgt enjoy da game although x mng..sweet memory ever and insyaallah i will take part for next year SAF also..=)
next tym i will make sure that i will involve in other game t0o!!really l0ve sports!
besides,dpt jmpe
my ex-classmates tym asasi..wan,roha,nida,n izzah..sgt rndu nk kumpul rmai2 cmtu lg..huhu..sgt sronok!
dlm suke2.,rase sdeh jgk..sbb xdpt jmpe intn n my bel0ved nasreen..really misz them so aq taw..kte hnya mmpu mrncg,Allah yg mnentukn sgalanye..smoge kami dpt bjumpe d masa akn dtg ya Allah..aminn..
aq sgt excited mle2 dpt jersi SAF yg sgt cun!!!!credit t0 da pers0n who design it!guess wh0??'s secret..i'm not telling here..=)
also..juz n0w i went 0ut with my bro n sis yaya..(my sis in law t0 be)..sgt cuak sbb aq lewat mnyebbkn dy mrajuk..sori sis..hehe..will n0t do it a very delicious f0od to eat to break our fast..i'm not fasting actually,only da tw0
of them..hehe

24 july 2010..all my h0usmate n i went out t0 psr mlm for the 1st tym at bndr punck alm..guess what,there is no bus f0r us to g0 back t0 our c0llege!sgt sengal bas2 hari itu..we walked with no p0int,searching f0r busses!at last,i asked f0r help fr0m my br0ther..luckily sis yaya's frenz got a car n we managed t0 reached 0ur c0llege..thnx to da sisters wh0 sent was da last mem0ry we could spent 2gether,da 8 0f s0me of us will m0ve 0ut fr0m uitm,to take an0ther course..guys,,really nice t0 know u all..h0pe our friendship will last f0rever..
t0 my friends dat will stay 2gether with me in this 4 hard,memorable years..please hold my hand t0gether in the climb we will go through..let's fill 0ur tym t0gether with the sweetest mem0ry we could make..and i believe,we can make it,,t0 be the m0st 0utstanding OPTOMETRIST in the w0rld!lets pray 4 0ur success guys!=)

dedicated t0 all 0pto buddies~~~

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

.:0PTOMETRY:. mencuri sdikit mse utk meluahkn rasa aq d cni.stlh hmpir 2 weeks memulakan kuliah,,aq mule dpt menyesuaikn dri dgn mo0d study yg tlh lme terkubur..although blum mndpt 'aura' yg sepenuhnya..hehe.=)
hmm...rmai mmbr2 yg bz nk tukar kos,,nk klua,,coz they can't adapt with the situation that we need to learn more about physics!..or more specific,,l0vely
OPTICS!!walaupon aq rase klayakn aq dh ckup utk membolehkn aq tukar kos yg aq nk.,but i think that i should stick with this course,OPTOMETRY!aq rase ade hikmahnye aq dpt kos ni,instead of pharmacy.coz although i kn0w that i l0ve chem more than physics itself,but i s0meh0w m0re perf0rm in physics subject rather than my bel0ved chemistry..besides, i don't want to tr0uble myself to change to another course and need to adapt myself with the new tahu setiap 0rg berhak utk plh yg terbaek utk diri mereka..and i pray they will get their best thing for their future life..insyaallah..
juz a little bit ab0ut my rumate and h0usemate..nabila,ummi,fatin,syikin,ummu,yan & ana..alhmdulillah aq dpt housmate yg sejiwa dgn aq,,gile2,semp0i,,sp0rting,,we get to know each 0ther during the '
phant0m of 0pia'.,kem orientasi bdk2 0pt0 yg sgt bes bg aq!!.mmg glerrr gmpak laaaaa...=D..although ade yg nk kua nnt,,especially my rumate yg bkemungkinn bsr nk tuka,.aq pasti akn rndu korg nnt..wlaupon kte knl bru kjap,tp aq dh syg korg cm kwn aq yg aq dh lme knl..moge ukhwah yg dh terbinaa akn kekal slamenye...aminnn~~~~n 0ne last thing,i l0ve my classmates t0o!!!!muahhhx!

Friday, July 2, 2010

mY neW j0uRney...

$ last,dpt jugak menulis di cni..stlh sekian lama menyepikn diri,aq berpeluang untuk menc0retkn diari hidupku yg pnuh warna-warni sepnjg Minggu Destini Siswa (MDS) di UITM Kampus Puncak was 0ne of the best orientation week i had go through in my life..sgt2 best..although i'm always sleepy during the talk..=)
but perkara yg pling "best"! kt cni adlh tgga nye..sgt 'unik' dan 'menarik'!..and i have no choice but t0 use that facility in order for me to reach my bel0ved anggap itu sbgai exercise harian ku slame mntp di kolej.
i wanna tell that there is only 28 students in my course!it's a very 'huge' number! we're gonna stay in the same class,,and become the only students for opt0metry course for the 1st semester..after a very g0od briefing from the president of OPTIMIS,,(which is a very shy and hands0me man!),i started to l0ve this course as it lo0ks interesting to study in this field till i'm graduate!i would like t0 be one 0f the fam0us 0pt0metris in malaysia..insyaallah..
aq rase byk lg yg x dc0retkn d mse dh smkin lewat..dan es0k aq ingn kluar ke shah alam dgn kne td0 awl skit..hehehe..although x dpt jmpe nasreen n intn,,tp insyaallah 0ne day i will go and meet y0
u guys!!
salam rindu buat semua teman2 se asasi rindu sgt pd kalian!!;)